Saturday, November 20, 2010

Optometry Conference In Garmisch

Garmisch is a beautiful Alpine town in the very southern part of Germany, which is normally a ski town.  There is a U.S. military resort, Edelweiss Lodge, there where we attended a Europe-wide Army optometry conference.  4 nights in a beautiful town in the Alps is not too shabby! 

Emily as we arrive at the Garmisch train station.

So funny story:  So Emily and I took separate faster trains by ourselves since we had a Eurail pass and it cost us nothing extra so we arrived before the other externs.  Emily and the other externs had rented a house in town and I decided to stay at Edelweiss by myself for a few nights because I wanted to get away from some of the maddness and have a quiet place to study for boards for a few nights.  So at the train station we separate to check-in to our places.  As we go to separate cabs an American man in his mid-40s approaches me, he asks if I'm going to the American resort and if I just want to share a cab.  I agree since he's obviously military and I'm thinking he looks really familiar.  I assume he is one of the other optometrists I met a few days prior at our presentations in Heidelberg.  He asks which part of the conference I'm going to and I say optometry, he says the same, when I go to introduce myself he says "I know, you work in my building."  At this moment I realize he is the Colonel med group commander of our clinic, and I looked like an idiot.  He was actually really nice and laughed it off as a apologized and turned beat red from embarrassment!  In my defense he was wearing glasses and civilian clothes and works on a different floor in the building, if he is not wearing a uniform with his name and a little eagle on it, I just can't recognize him.  Obviously, I felt like an idiot!

Walking down the street of the resort.

Walking into town.
Emily and I ate at a Tex Mex cantina in town that night.  The next few days we spent at the conference, which was actually really interesting.  Got to meet some nice people. 

View from my hotel room!

Looking down at the Edelweiss lobby.

The house the other externs rented, it was pretty awesome!!  5 bedrooms!  I spent the last night here!

The externs at a German restaurant the last night!

The morning before we left we hiked through the gorge.

Hiking through the gorge!

The crew (minus Andrea) wondering around.

At the Olympic Stadium where they held the 1934 (i think) winter olympics!
Obviously I did not take a lot of pics at the conference, but I swear we attended!!!

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