Tuesday, August 31, 2010


On Saturday we decided to take a day trip to Wurzburg.  It's about 30 minutes away from Schweinfurt.  Mindy, the physical therapist at our clinic, was going there anyway so she volunteered to drive us.  Our first stop was at a lederhosen shop because the guys needed to get some traditional German man clothing to wear to fests since we girls have our dirndls now!  Seeing American guys in tight leather overall shorts is pretty much the funniest thing ever!  The shopping trip was a success!  Now we are all set for fests!!!!  Germans love their festivals, they take any excuse to party, it seems like every town has a few fests a year, with the biggest being Oktoberfest!
Lederhosen:  Traditional German man outfit.

After the lederhosen adventure, Mindy dropped us off at the Wurzburg train station to meet Kevin.  Kevin is some like 20 year old German dude from Wurzburg that the other externs met on a train last week.  They ended up talking for a bit and he volunteered to give us a little tour of the town.  He's a nice kid, he seems to really like American culture and wants to practice his English, so it works out well for both parties.  He took us up to the castle/fortress overlooking all of Wurzburg.  Wurzburg is a pretty city with a few beautiful bridges that survived WW2!  This is also wine country!  Since it is almost harvest time the vinyards, which line the hillside, are at their prettiest!!!

Looking down on Wurzburg from the castle.
Emily and I at the wine fest!
We then walked down the hill into town.  We walked over the main bridge, to a couple big churches, and he showed us a display of what Wurzburg looked like after the war.  It was pretty much burned to the ground along with every other city in Germany.  They managed to rebuild in the old style to Wurzburg has kept its charm!  We stumbled upon a little Wine Festival going on in a main square, so we stopped for some wine and bratwurst.  I know that sounds like a weird combo, but it really worked great!  Kevin acted as a good tour guide showing us all of the interesting a cool parts of the city!  Of course, as with any international meeting, we had to be diplomatic and teach each other curse words in each language. (Haha!)

Later that night we met Mindy and a German friend of hers for dinner and drinks.  They told us they were going to take us somewhere cool.  They drove us up to a hill overlooking the city and we pretty much parked in an empty field.  We walked down through a tiny field and down a little path (mildly confused if we were actually getting anywhere) and found a restaurant/beer garden with a wonderful view of the city at sunset!  How anybody can find this place, is beyond me!  Saw a new place, made new friends, all and all a good day!
Emily walking over the bridge.  I don't know why I randomly like this pic.

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